Online Parent Support Community
Families are facing unprecedented challenges due to circumstances surrounding #COVID19. In response, @partnershipdrugfree invites you to join a new community for parents and caregivers who may have children experimenting with, or dependent on, substances.
Helpline specialists and specially trained parent coaches host a series of live online gatherings to share insight and ideas on managing teen and adult children. These gatherings are an opportunity to find support and connection, along with tangible guidance on addressing substance use.

How to Join
Gatherings are an hour long and take place weekly using Zoom (a free video conferencing service available for download on your computer or smartphone; allow extra time to install before joining your first meeting). You are welcome to join any meeting, although specified gatherings are intended to meet specific needs.
Registration: Say Hello!
Please register before attending your first gathering. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation that includes the Zoom meeting link. We suggest logging on 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting for a simple tutorial on using Zoom.